Monday, August 22, 2011

View of Last sun set of 2nd Ashra (Ashra e Maghfirat) of Ramazan ul Mubarak...

View of Last sun set of 2nd Ashra (Ashra e Maghfirat) of Ramazan ul Mubarak with a lot of heartily prayers of all the Muslims around the world. Picture was captured in Chhachh valley area in front of Indus River (Darya e Sindh). People of almost all surrounding villages of tehsil Hazro keep visiting Indus River daily at noon to evening to decrease the heat of hot weather during Fasting. Sometimes, unfortunately, this habit become dangerous and results in loss of precious human life while swimming in this dangerous and prohibited spot. People must try to be over cautious when they visit river and try to swim in its un even water. {03 Pictures},

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