A Salesman at Awwal Khan Cloths House is displaying Pashmina Shawl in Naeem Shopping Center, Meena Bazaar Hazro. Pashmina Shawl is a brand of Peshawar city & some of Indian cities are also famous for production of these types of ladies Shawls. Women of Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Dar Salaam & some parts of Thailand would like to buy these export quality Pakistani Shawls. The rush of people in Meena Bazaar Hazro has now reached to high level due to shopping for Eid ul Fitar.
Salaam, Thank you very much for all the pictures. I truly enjoy your blog. It helps me remember my birth place. I check your blog almost everyday. I am from Barazai living here in the US. Is there any way you can take some pictures of Barazai? I would greatly appreciate it.