Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Some Fruit Merchants were selling various types of Fruits in front of Iqbal Plaza, Hazro.

Some Fruit Merchants were selling various types of Fruits in front of Iqbal Plaza, Main Zia ul Haq Shaheed Road Hazro. Picture was captured yesterday after Asar while majority of people were going back to home after closing their shops. Muskmelon & Mangoes are top selling Fruits during this Ramazan ul Mubarak in Hazro / Chhachh. Muskmelons are brought by Fruit Dealers from Quetta District and also imported from Kabul (Afghanistan) while Mangoes were receiving from Multan Division. Chonsa, Chitta, Langra, Anwar Latour, Sindhry are the famous qualities of these mangoes which are sold here. {04 Pictures},

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