Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Inside view of Jamia Masjid Maskeen, Abdul Ghanni Baba (R.A.), Maskeen Abad Adda (GI)

Inside view of Jamia Masjid Maskeen, Abdul Ghanni Baba (R.A.), located in main chowk of Maskeen Abad (Ghourghushti). Maskeen Abad Adda has four Masjids. Maskeen Abad Adda is a famous point in Ghourghushti village & its also the main turning point to Jalalia village. Police Post, Patrol Pump, General Stores, Bakeries, Taxi (Cab) Stand, Convince for Hazro & Ghazi, Carpenters & Furniture Outlets etc are available here in this busy location. {06 Pics},

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