Monday, September 5, 2011

Picture was captured while refilling CNG at Byco-123 Outlet located in front of Usman e Ghanni Chowk (Banghai Ghaiba) Hazro.

Picture was captured while refilling CNG at Byco-123 Outlet located in front of Usman e Ghanni Chowk (Banghai Ghaiba) Hazro. A worker is going to unplugged the Gas Nozzle after auto stopped at 6.31 Kgs for 419 Rs. Tooba Patrol Pump which is now converted to Byco-123 provides Gasoline, Diesel, CNG also facility of Air Pressure, Masjid & Tuck-Shop Outlet for 24hours a day. Government of Pakistan now banned CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) for three days (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) which is directly effected on 90% people of Pakistan.


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